5 Sights to See on A Charter Bus Rental Near Me

The moment you book a charter bus rental in DC, you have the opportunity to experience an incredible trip and also capture the best sites that make Washington, DC one of the most visited cities in the entire world.
A charter buses near me is ideal for large and small groups, school field trips, corporate events, family gatherings, and much more. Here are five sights you should certainly put on your must-see list when visiting Washington, DC.

The National Monuments and Memorials.
You have the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial, all within a short walking distance to each other. This is one of the most visited places in the entire country and you should be sure not to miss it on your trip to DC with charter bus Rental DC.

Three Houses of Government.
You have the White House, Capitol Building, and the Supreme Court. They are all well worth your time.
The Air and Space Museum.
If you have any interest in aviation or space exploration, this is a great stop on your trip. You can see some of the vehicles that have been used to help send man to the moon and help the U.S. win the Space Race.
Mount Vernon.
This was home to George Washington and it is a 500-acre estate with a 14-room mansion with furnishings and original objects that date back to the 1740s. It is located in northern Virginia and only a short ride from Washington, DC.
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Source: https://cheapdcbusrental.blogspot.com/2019/11/5-sights-to-see-on-charter-bus-rental.html