How to Choose Your Wedding Colors

Colors have been scientifically proven to affect people’s mind, especially their mood. Whether it’s primal, or something we’ve been socially born into; colors can make us feel sad, enthusiastic, or even evoke a lost memory.

This is why colors are used to create certain environments, to be effective like our Alexandria VA Limousine Service. Have you ever noticed that most fast food restaurants have yellow walls, or yellow logos? That’s because somehow the color yellow signals to the brain that the body is hungry, therefore promoting us to eat more, and spend more money. Just like most Limo Service Northern Virginia and their vehicles are black in color, it because it’s a universal color standard for business.

Color theory is often used today in marketing, to capture buyer’s attention with striking oranges, think laundry detergent, or create a feeling of peacefulness and trust for consumers looking at over the counter medicines with shades of blue. Color psychology has also been used in the psychology field itself. Rooms are often painted in neutral and calming colors where patient work is done. Even institutions utilize the power of color, some prisons are oddly painted in pink to promote peacefulness, and schools in white or blue to increase focus.
What type of feelings would you like to promote at your wedding? Here’s the color psychology breakdown:

Red: Encourages excitement, deep shades promote passionate thoughts, energetic, and vitalizing.
Orange: Promotes enthusiasm, positive thoughts, energizing, and warm.
Yellow: Encourages socialization, clear thoughts, and stimulates creativity.
Green: Balancing, soothing, most neutral color to the eye.
Blue: Promotes sincerity, calming, thoughtful, and peaceful.
Purple: Inspiriting, artistic, cleansing, spiritual color.
Will you choose as color as dependable as our DC Limousine Services can rely on, or an enthusiastic color to create a social atmosphere for your wedding? Call us today at (866) 818-2293.