12 Wonderful Ways to Save Money when Planning a Wedding

Everybody wants to save money, unfortunately a wedding is not a cheap thing to have. If you are looking for some great ways to save some cash—read these amazing tips!

Rent a Party Bus Northern Virginia can rely on for dependable and inexpensive service.
Use nature as your backdrop in photos. If you want something other than the typical lace and fabric background, but don’t want to spend a fortune on hiring someone to create one—this a good one. Find your favourite thing in nature: waterfalls, forest, rivers, lakes, mountains, meadows, fields, and the like. Check out your local arboretums, and state parks.
Hire Party Bus Rental Virginia will love for your bachelor party instead of renting out a hotel and spending all your money at bars.
Have your ceremony and reception at the same location.
Find a place that is already decorated. Again, nature is a fantastic option for this. Vineyards, local farmer’s markets, and old historical buildings work very well for this.
Take the road less travelled on Party Bus Washington DC and get married out of town. Most in-town high-style venues can be as much as triple the amount than those just 30 minutes away from the inner city.

Ditch the dinner rehearsal. It will only make the real thing that much better and save you a good bit of money in the process.
Buy flowers that are in season.
Consider getting married during the “off season.”
Have a simple theme!
Ask friends and family for help, you may be surprised about how many people come out of the woodworks to assist you! Call us today at (866) 818-2293.
SOURCE: http://cheapdcbusrental.blogspot.in/2017/06/12-big-ways-to-save-lots-of-cash-on.html